Do schools kill creativity?


The argument that Ken Robinson is making is that the educational system nowadays is killing all the creativity in children. Children are used to the same style of learning in school and grow up to work in ordinary jobs and lead a normal life without anything extraordinary. Due to this lack of change in the system children are introduced to linear paths and don’t get the chance to think from different perspectives and accept opinions that do not match their narrow way of thinking.

I believe that within children or people in general rests creativity. The educational system kills that inside them and developes them into machines.

1 thought on “Do schools kill creativity?

  1. I agree with you that the educational system kills creativity. Unfortunately the educational system depends in memorizing and getting high marks, and as a result the students will not think of any new unconventional ideas or differnt way of thinking because they are interested only in getting high marks to go to the university they want. Their must be a movement to change the way of education and make it based on thinking, solving problems, and acquiring useful skills.

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