Confidence…the key to creativity


The video highlights a very important topic which is relevant to all of us. People care too much about what others think. They are afraid that people would think less of them or see them as crazy and stupid.That’s why they stick to the same ideas and don’t have the courage to come up with anything new and innovative. Even children at school face this everyday. Teachers yell at them for thinking differently and even their classmates make fun of them and bring them down. That only harms children because they think their ideas are not good enough , although they could be the start of something great. If we suppress children in their creative thinking how do we expect them to grow up and do something remarkable? No one should be afraid of judgement. Some people will always have something bad to say,will always drop a mean comment and will always judge you so they can bring you down. However,we should not let this come in our heads and we should continue our path in creativity. The key to creativity and being a truly creative person is confidence. So what if you come up with a crazy idea,it could have great potential. We should learn to trust ourselves,everyone is creative in their own way and confidence pushes it. If people have lack of confidence then they will never get out of the box that they are putting themselves into. Afterall,the things we are scared of are usually the most worthwhile.

4 thoughts on “Confidence…the key to creativity

  1. I agree with everything you said, and I believe that we should get rid of our fear of judgement in order to create better things. We should never suppress creativity in children or in anyone because by doing that we kill wonderful ideas and solutions everywhere.

  2. The problem is not of being told crazy or stupid. people usually are afraid of any kind of criticism. That’s why we should not listen to criticism but we have to take into consideration positive criticism which improves our thoughts and innovations.

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